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“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”
Rev 12:11
Power of Dreams
“I want the world to know what God has done for me and that He can do it for you too. God has worked wonders for me in my life. I...
Healed from Perthes Disease
“Todd and Tara Greening’s daughter Samantha had been diagnosed with Perthes Disease. One day in the 1st grade, Samantha came home from...
Answer to Faith
“My son was trusting the Lord for a new laptop. He did two things to activate his faith. First, he planted a seed. Then, each day, he...
Completely Healed of HIV
“This story began just over three years ago, in the city of Cuiaba, Brazil. Deatriz Santos was a dedicated Christian and very active in...
My Miracle Baby Boy
“At seventeen weeks pregnant, an ultrasound revealed that I was carrying twins, but that I had lost one. The surviving fetus had...
The Power of Faith for a Job
“A young woman asked God for a job at a specific location. As she is not from Canada, people told her that could be difficult....
Delivered from Debt
“Two years ago, we had to close two businesses. We lost all our money, and owed a lot. We were slowly paying off our debts. We gave post...
Miracle baby
“In November 2012, Apostle Everton was at our church in Switzerland and had a word about, “Something spectacular out of the womb in the...
Healed from Migraine Headaches
“Beginning in my early years, I suffered from severe migraine headaches. They began to happen almost daily. The migraines affected my...
Breakthrough in Employment
“When we came to Vernon, we did not have much money, and were on welfare. Unfortunately, these funds were not enough to physically get by...
Healed from Fourteen Years of Milk Allergies
“Our son was diagnosed with allergies at six months of age. We were told that his allergies were very rare, and only two percent of all...
Healed from High Blood Pressure
“Living Faith School of the Supernatural is like no other. With much education already ‘under my belt’ I wondered, “What more can I...
Given Brand New Car
“A precious woman asked God to give her a new car, and she simply took God at His Word, and believed He had good things for her. To...
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