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Living Faith is a place where miracles happen. We are a Kingdom-minded church that meets in two locations. We believe and preach the uncompromised Word of God.

Our priority as a Ministry is to win the lost, make Disciples, and provide solid Biblical teachings on faith, healing, strong families, financial prosperity, freedom from sin, and victorious living!


Service start at 9:30  Once a month


Sunday 11:00 am. 7pm Evening service once a month


Sunday 11:00 am

Upcoming Events

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Mar 23rd 2025

7 PM - 12 PM,(M-F)

Dominion Magazine

The Miracle Story of Our Ministry  



Your Next Step in the Journey

We are all on a journey to become more like Jesus – loving God, loving people, and building the church together. At Living Faith, we encourage everyone to become an active member in the Kingdom of God


Sow With Great Expectation...!

The Gospel is your greatest investment. Sow your best seed today!


Share your Testimony


They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…

Rev 12:11

“When we came to Vernon, we did not have much money, and were on welfare.Unfortunately, these funds were not enough to physically get by on, and feed the both of us. So we prayed. We had heard somewhere that you did"

D. & J. E.


Living Faith is a place where miracles happen and difficult things are made easy. We are a Kingdom-minded church that meets in two cities - Kelowna and Vernon. Wherever or whoever you are, and wherever your journey has taken you, rest assured that you will be loved and valued at Living Faith. We are a perfect place, for imperfect people!      

Main Office

#211-170 Rutland Rd N, Kelowna, BC Canada
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
(250) 763-2993

Mailing Address

PO Box 23110 RPO Plaza 33 Kelowna, BC

V1X 7K7

Kelowna Church Location

170 Rutland Rd N, Kelowna, BC Canada

Sunday Service 11 am
(250) 763-2993

© 2001 – 2026 LFMC All Rights Reserved

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